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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Another study in a array of studies again indicate that gun control laws do NOTHING to curb violent crime or have any effect on it. The National Academy of Sciences issued a 328-page report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study. In short, the panel could find no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns. The panel was established during the Clinton administration and all but one of its members were known to favor gun control.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/30/2004 10:17:00 PM   6 comments
A perspective on the aformentioned Social Security issue:
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/30/2004 03:13:00 PM   0 comments
AND BECOME PARIAH TO SOCIETY AND TO THOSE THEY SUPPOSEDLY SERVE: AARP corruption unequaled - Ralph Bristol The AARP is either genuinely evil or stubbornly ignorant. I suspect the former. The AARP is gearing up to spend $5 million of its members' dues to dramatically increase the financial burden on the members' children and grandchildren without providing even one dollar of benefit or protection to the members themselves. I can't fathom what, other than pure evil or colossal ignorance, would motivate such action. I also can't fathom what would cause people of good faith to continue to pay dues to such an organization. The AARP has always lobbied for the transfer of earnings from the general population to those in the upper age brackets. That is no different than many other special interest organizations that look out for their own at the expense of others. But the AARP is lobbying to place a heavier burden on today's and tomorrow's working people and tomorrow's retired population with no benefit whatsoever to today's retired population. Why? Because the AARP is dedicated to the proposition that all of the benefits flowing to its members should come from the earnings of non-members. It is the primary mission of the AARP to use its considerable clout to lobby for taxpayer-financed benefits for its members. Any policy or program change that might benefit future retirees without the need for AARP lobbying efforts diminishes the power of and the need for the AARP itself. That is why the AARP will spend $5 million in the near future on political advertising to oppose the use of private accounts in Social Security reform. It is purely and simply a self-preservation effort by the AARP. The AARP ads will attempt to convince older people that the Social Security reform plan backed by President Bush and a very broad, bi-partisan coalition of past and current members of Congress, will threaten their future benefits, even though every proposal put forth has, as its first provision, the preservation of the benefits of current retirees and those preparing to retire. The AARP ads will also try to convince younger people that such reform is too risky. One advertisement shows a 40-something couple looking at the reader and saying, "If we feel like gambling, we'll play the slots." Another advertisement shows traders in the pit of a commodities exchange. The caption says, "Winners and losers are stock market terms. Do you really want them to become retirement terms?" Of course there is some risk in investing for one's financial future in the stock market, but the AARP stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the indisputable fact that such risk is drastically reduced by time and diversification. The fact is, among those who have invested for any 20-year period in a portfolio of U.S. stocks that mirrors any of the major indices, there have been no losers, no one - only winners. That is no guarantee that there will be no losers in the future, but there are only two chances that will be the case - slim and slimmer. Furthermore, the AARP stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the indisputable fact that if Congress does not reform Social Security with private accounts, future generations will - not might, but will - either pay much higher taxes or receive much lower benefits from Social Security. That is not a risk. That is a mathematical certainty. The AARP is either too corrupt or too obtuse to honestly examine all of the obvious and pertinent facts and probabilities regarding the future of Social Security. It is blinded by self-interest and it attempts to hide that self-interest in arguments designed to generate fear among its members. Worse, it does this without regard to the hardship it might cause either its members or their offspring. I can think of no more evil or despicable behavior by any special interest group. It's one thing to place the best interest of your constituents before all others. It's quite another to ignore the best interest of your own dues-paying members and their children simply to protect your own power and influence. One more dime sent in dues to the AARP is an investment that supports a level of corruption unequalled among special interest politics. Visit Ralph's website at:
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/30/2004 11:29:00 AM   3 comments
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
"Powerful and extremely well-financed forces are concentrating on questions about the documents because they can't deny the fundamental truth of the story. If you can't deny the information, then attack and seek to destroy the credibility of the messenger, the bearer of the information. And in this case, it's change the subject from the truth of the information to the truth of the documents. This is your basic fogging machine, which is set up to cloud the issue, to obscure the truth....Over the long haul, this will be consistent with our history and our traditions and reputation. We took heat during the McCarthy time, during Vietnam, during civil rights, during Watergate. We haven't always been right, but our record is damn good." -- Dan Rather discussing CBS's forged memo scandal, as quoted by the New York Observer's Joe Hagan, Sept. 15.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/29/2004 09:08:00 AM   0 comments
"Whether you agree with him or disagree with him, you now know where John Kerry stands on what has happened in Iraq." -- CBS's Bob Schieffer discussing Kerry's performance in the first debate, October 1 Early Show. EVEN THOUGH THE ELECTION IS OVER AND DONE, DID ANYONE FIGURE OUT WHERE JOHN KERRY STANDS ON THE ISSUE OF IRAQ? COMMENTS WELCOME!
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/29/2004 09:06:00 AM   1 comments
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
"I read you once took a psychological profile test, and it said the position you're most suited for is undertaker." -- ABC's Claire Shipman to Vice President Cheney in an interview on the August 31 Good Morning America. [50] __________________________________________________ "It was four years ago during the Democratic convention, not far from where we stand tonight, that John Kerry stood near his father on his deathbed. Earlier, as the family was preparing to leave John Kerry's home in Boston, I'm told he whispered to his sister, 'Remember the words of our mother on her deathbed when she said, 'John,' knowing he would run for President some day, 'remember, John, integrity, that's what matters.' Tonight, John Kerry tried to show that integrity." -- CBS's Byron Pitts during live coverage of John Kerry's speech to the Democratic convention, July 29. ______________________________________________________ "Anybody who knows me knows that I am not politically motivated, not politically active for Democrats or Republicans, and that I'm independent. People who are so passionately partisan politically or ideologically committed basically say, 'Because he won't report it our way, we're going to hang something bad around his neck and choke him with it, check him out of existence if we can, if not make him feel great pain.' They know that I'm fiercely independent and that's what drives them up a wall." -- Rather as quoted by USA Today's Peter Johnson and Jim Drinkard in a September 16 article. _______________________________________________________ "The tyrant has fallen. But for some, he's a fallen hero.... Iraqis are much like abused children: scarred by the man who was both father figure and enforcer. His rules were simple. Obey, and he would provide jobs, food rations, electricity and security. Rebel, and punishment was merciless. But Saddam Hussein also gave Iraqis dignity and pride. He became a symbol of defiance across the Arab world, never backing down from a fight....Those who loved him and those who hated him still can't separate the man from the country in their minds. For many, his humiliation is their own." -- Kimberly Dozier in a December 16, 2003 CBS Evening News story about Iraqi reaction to Saddam's capture.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/28/2004 10:09:00 AM   0 comments
Women's Non-Existence in the Arab World by Ariell Choy Having been raised watching only Western media, I knew very little about the Arab world except what I had seen and thought to be true on the television screen. I, being an eager open-minded 16 year-old girl, wanting to participate and be an active member of society, also ready to explore the world of men began dating at that very age. I made one of the biggest mistakes I will forever regret until the day I die. I met Arab men. They are the biggest mistake God ever created on the face of the Earth. Little did I know that in Arab culture, women had no place in humanity. Not only was I not allowed to think, speak or work for myself. I was only able to talk when I was told to, was largely humiliated and ignored when I did speak, was forced to submit to Arab sexual demands and was told not to work nor be sexually autonomous in deciding how many or how little partners I could or could not have. I was not allowed to so much as change my mind on issues, converse intellectually, watch television, read, write, go outside when I chose to, alter my physical appearance when I chose to, speak on issues of history, religion, or politics. I was given but two privileges, if privileges are what you'd call them: submit to Arab misogynist sexual demands and serve the Arab man's every need, want or desire. Women, in Arab culture, are taught from birth that their only purpose in being is to serve male copulation and male desire. Women are forbidden to have male friends, multiple husbands or boyfriends at a time, must cover from head-to-toe or will be seen as asking for rape. Women's sexual autonomy is forbidden, as women are not allowed to objectify men, although, hypocritically men can objectify women. She cannot exploit men but men are allowed to exploit them. I was forbidden to do anything except breathe oxygen. The Arab men also swindled every dollar I had (Arab men are incredibly lazy and irresponsible) to try to immigrate to several European countries and rape European women. Arabs believe the only purpose women serve is satisfying male orgasm. They believe an independent woman, free to live her life for herself and be sexually autonomous, that is, to break as little or as many male hearts as she desires, is the ultimate sin in Arab culture. Women being sub-human creatures, especially in the Arab world, are seen as unfit and immature to participate in society because of their caring, nurturing, maternal nature, which enables them to function improperly in society. A woman's forgiving; caring, loving, generous nature disables her completely to function fully. Arab men took away my very right to exist, my very right to speak and breathe. I was a prisoner inside my own body and mind. I had never felt more tortured emotionally and spiritually than ever before in my life and growing up in the West, I was not accustomed to such treatment. I was even more angered to find the Arab man who had hurt me, not only was able to immigrate to Canada (while the Native Berbers were forbidden entry), but had abused a French-speaking Canadian woman as well. I have been severely hurt and bruised that even as I make the transition forward with my life, this time with a man who truly admires and respects me for who I am, I am still haunted by my traumatic experiences. And it hurts both my partner and I although I honor his existence more than my own. I would like to raise awareness to women around the world who have been abducted, beaten, or raped by Arab men and misinformed of their low view of women to share their stories and send me emails personally at I only hope that women, although afraid, weak and dying, come forth and speak the truth of their Arab abusers, although women around the world fear being ostracized, I believe sharing our experiences, raising awareness and at the very least complaining is the first step to healing ourselves. In Canada, Sharia law has been secretly passed and infringes on the rights of Muslim-Canadian women whose civil liberties in a supposedly free Western country will be walked upon even with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Ariell Choy is a college student, a poet and a writer. She can be contacted at LINKS: HAT TIP: Robin
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/28/2004 09:07:00 AM   3 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/22/2004 04:19:00 PM   5 comments
An additional post on the ACLU website indicates that the ACLU simply has an agenda--not toward the liberties of Americans, but to government shaping through the court system.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/22/2004 03:29:00 PM   0 comments
The truth trickles out. "It now appears that the premise of the question that caused an uproar around Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was, so to speak, off base," FNC's Brit Hume noted Tuesday night in reminding viewers how two weeks ago National Guardsman "Thomas Wilson said to Rumsfeld, quote, 'our vehicles are not armored, we do not have proper armament vehicles to carry with us north,' into Iraq." But, Hume relayed, "according to senior Army officers, about 800 of the 830 vehicles in Wilson's Army regiment, the 278th Calvary, had already been up-armored" at the time of his widely publicized question. Some Hearst newspapers reported that fact last week and since then it has trickled up the media stream into the Washington Times and FNC, but not the other networks or major newspapers. Source:
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/22/2004 10:25:00 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Johnnypain, (If you leave a comment, Johnny, please leave the URL to your website--I usually access you through ebloggy control panel, and it never tells me your URL), a friend of mine and fellow 'blogger made the following comment to one of my posts. Johnny is an atheist, and I respect his right to his beliefs--we have had great discourse and I know that he will not mind me posting his comments here along with my response. Johnnypain: "There is hardly any proof that the major minds of our times believe in religion. THis denigrates all of the scientists who do not--which is most of them. The dismissal you make of atheists is assuming a lot to us, just as Rooney assumes a lot to you. And jack, saying people who lived in the past believed something -- like your so called great minds of the past, is like saying all men are rascists because thier forefathers were. Just doesn't hold up as a real arguement. Rooney's words sound right to me." # posted by johnnypain : 5:27 PM Jack Mercer: Hi Johnny! We have electricity as we know it today because of an scientist who was a Christian. The Big Bang theory was proposed and developed by a Christian. The father of modern genetics and genome research is a Christian. Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin either all Christian or believed in God. Darwin himself even said it was impossible to theorize a universe without a designer. Encyclopedia Britanica: "Firmly denying atheism, Einstein expressed a belief in "Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the harmony of what exists." The reason I wanted to post this was to point out that Medicine's scientists, (Doctors) largely believe in a higher being, designer or creator as posted previously. But more importantly, scientist who are atheists and refuse to insert one variable into their test of theory are not objective and therefore not truly scientific. That one variable is intelligence. For refusing to hypothosize the existence of an alternative intelligence or force, atheistic scientists have put restrictions on their experimentation. Could we find the Higgs Bosun if scientists were less blinded by bias? Could we make more advances in genetic structure and dna research if they would inject the intelligence variable into their experimentation? The problem with atheistic scientists is that they have REMOVED a variable from the mix by virtue of their exclusion. This is a bias any TRUE scientist should avoid. If not, their credibility, method and conclusions are suspect. (I say this with all due respect for Johnny's opinion. Johnny has proven himself to be more than intelligent--and a good fellow debator!)
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/21/2004 05:14:00 PM   0 comments
An interesting survey for my friend Johnnypain. A recent survey of medicine's scientists indicates that a LARGE majority of them believe in miracles directed by a higher power. The article states: 74% of doctors believe that miracles have occurred in the past and 73% believe that can occur today 58% attend worship services at least one time per month 46% believe that prayer is very important in their own lives
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/21/2004 05:05:00 PM   0 comments
But the recent attack on the miliatary base in Iraq was not a "terrorist action". As it was an attack on a military base it is a military action. It was probably done by terrorist who may have killed innocent people and children before, but this particular action was not a terrorist act.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/21/2004 04:20:00 PM   0 comments
AS IF...
Monday, December 20, 2004
Socialist, married-to-a-kennedy Arnold Schwarzenegger has just suggested that the Republican Party shift further to the left to "pick up voters". The problem is, this is the same as saying "the Republican Party should compromise its principles" (which are disappearing anyway) or "the Republican Party should become the Democrat Party". News Flash, Musclehead, the Republican Party already IS LEFT.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/20/2004 02:42:00 PM   3 comments
Our median temperatures have been 15 degrees below normal for this time of year. I haven't heard any scientists talking about GLOBAL COOLING.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/20/2004 01:56:00 PM   3 comments
Separation of Church and State
For those who cannot understand the English language, the Constitution will be interpreted for you: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." There would be no established, national church for the united thirteen states. To say it another way: there would be no "Church of the United States." The government is prohibited from setting up a state religion, such as Britain has, but no barriers will be erected against the practice of any religion. Thomas Jefferson's famous "wall of separation" between church and state comment was made in a letter to a group of Baptist clergymen January 1, 1802 in Danbury, Connecticut, who feared the Congregationalists Church would become the state-sponsored religion. Jefferson assured the Danbury Baptist Association that the First Amendment guaranteed that there would be no establishment of any one denomination over another. It was never intended for our governing bodies to be "separated" from Christianity and its principles or any other religion and its principles. The "wall" was understood as one directional; its purpose was to protect the church from the state. The world was not to corrupt the church, yet the church was free to teach the people Biblical values. It keeps the government from running the church. Anyone who understood the importance of religious freedom to the founding fathers would draw this conclusion. "...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" The second purpose of the First Amendment was the very opposite from what is being made of it today. It states expressly that government should not impede or interfere with the free practice of religion. The purpose of the separation of church and state in American society is not to exclude the voice of religion from public debate, but to provide a context of religious freedom where the insights of each religious tradition can be set forth and tested. As Justice Douglas wrote for the majority of the Supreme Court in the United States vs. Ballard case in 1944: The First Amendment has a dual aspect. It not only "forestalls compulsion by law of the acceptance of any creed or the practice of any form of worship" but also "safeguards the free exercise of the chosen form of religion." The First Amendment was a safe-guard so that the State can have no jurisdiction over the Church. Its purpose was to protect the Church, not to disestablish it. It is funny that the Leftists, who speak out of one side of their mouth about "rights and freedoms" are the first to try to restrict or impede those same in others.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/20/2004 10:57:00 AM   4 comments
Point 2: United States Constitution "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" Leftists are interested only in the first phrase, not the second.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/20/2004 09:20:00 AM   0 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Point 1: Separation of Church and State is not even mentioned in the Constitution.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/19/2004 09:35:00 PM   3 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2004
"We have kept peace in this country largely because government and religion remain separate," he said. "The big difference between us and places like Bosnia and the Middle East is separation of church and state, along with the right to practice individual religion." Right to practice? These people are unbelievable!
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/18/2004 09:45:00 PM   0 comments
Friday, December 17, 2004
From Thomas Sowell:
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 10:00:00 PM   2 comments
The ACLU (which is supposed to stand for American Civil Liberties Union) has finally revealed itself for what it is. They are simply an anti American institution intent on the nation's destruction. Here's the logic: Go to Now answer the question: What does this have to do with AMERICAN civil liberties? A moron could figure this one out.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 04:44:00 PM   3 comments
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 01:28:00 PM   0 comments
Dumb Christians Voted Wrong "[CBS 60 Minutes correspondent Andy] Rooney also attributed voters' reliance on religion in the recent election to ignorance. 'I am an atheist,' Rooney said. 'I don't understand religion at all. I'm sure I'll offend a lot of people by saying this, but I think it's all nonsense.' He said Christian fundamentalism is a result of 'a lack of education. They haven't been exposed to what the world has to offer.' Rooney said he also could not understand how 'men who work with their hands voted for George Bush,' and again attributing the phenomenon to a lack of education. 'The labor force is conservative,' he said. 'How in the world did that happen?'" -- Excerpt from a November 19 Tufts Daily article by Keith Barry on Rooney's speech at the Fletcher School of International Law and Diplomacy a day earlier. credit: MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD APPRISE MR. ROONEY THAT SOME OF THE GREATEST MINDS TODAY AND IN HISTORY BELIEVE(D) IN "CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISM".
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 10:38:00 AM   3 comments
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 10:08:00 AM   0 comments
Its all over the world. This from Australia.,5478,11662753^2862,00.html
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 10:06:00 AM   2 comments
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 10:03:00 AM   0 comments
An 89 year old woman froze to death in South Carolina two days after her power was turned off. Many people are blaming the power company Another teen stabbed to death in Toronto This is evidence there are great loopholes in Canada's knife control laws. The knife used was probably unregistered and purchased at a knife show. This in spite of the recent expiration of the assault knife ban Atheists are in an all out assault against anything Christian Its hard to understand how a group of people can fight against a God they don't even think exists. THAT'S FAITH! Would that all atheists were as my friend Johnnypain Clintonistas are upset about Clinton's portrait not being on display in the Whitehouse this Christmas. They didn't say a thing when they trashed the Whitehouse when leaving.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 10:02:00 AM   0 comments
HOORAY FOR THE KIDS! Maybe there may be some hope for this nation's future, if we have kids like this!
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 09:05:00 AM   3 comments
What else do you expect out of Hollywood?
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/17/2004 09:03:00 AM   0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2004
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/16/2004 04:43:00 PM   0 comments
I think that alcohol and cigarettes should be outlawed because minors can get them. I think that racy romance novels should be banned because minors can get them. I think that aspirin should be removed from the shelves because minors can get them. I think that junk food should be taken off the market because minors can get it. I think...WE ARE WITNESSING THE BEGINNING OF WIDESPREAD FASCIST THOUGHT IN OUR GOVERNMENT. FIGHT IT! Letter written to Gov: Dear Gov Blagojevich: I think that alcohol and cigarettes should be outlawed because minors can get them. I think that racy romance novels should be banned because minors can get them. I think that aspirin should be removed from the shelves because minors can get them. I think that junk food should be taken off the market because minors can get it. I think pornography should be outlawed because minors can get them. In your attempt to legislate morality, I think you are ushering in a new day for fascism in the United States. Please think before you act. Sincerely, Jack TAKE ACTION! CLICK HERE:
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/16/2004 01:36:00 PM   1 comments
The United States has no moral authority to judge other nations. We the People are guilty of infanticide on a massive scale.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/16/2004 01:21:00 PM   0 comments
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/16/2004 01:13:00 PM   0 comments
British courts churn out the same liberal agenda. We're entering a world where perps have more rights than victims.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/16/2004 12:27:00 PM   0 comments
The Grinch joins forces with the Once-ler. The Trees are toppling and there's nothing the Lorax can do about it.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/16/2004 11:45:00 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
WHAT! ME A GRINCH? I think I am beginning to like the idea of seperation of church and state as it is now being applied to government. I think it very fitting, (and fiscally responsible I might add) that we revoke entirely and disband Christmas for GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. That's right, teachers, bureacrats, highway department workers, ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICE employees. This is a capital idea, and one that should have been reviewed by the courts long ago. It is reprehensible for government employees to be celebrating such a religious holiday. Look soon for a petition for you to sign. -Jack
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/15/2004 09:06:00 PM   0 comments
"The entire federal government -- the Congress, the executive, the courts -- is united behind a right-wing agenda for which George W. Bush believes he now has a mandate. That agenda includes the power of the state to force pregnant women to surrender control over their own lives. It includes using the taxing power to transfer wealth from working people to the rich. It includes giving corporations a free hand to eviscerate the environment and control the regulatory agencies meant to hold them accountable. And it includes secrecy on a scale you cannot imagine...And if you like God in government, get ready for the Rapture." -- Moyers ending his PBS show Now with a commentary on November 8, 2002, the Friday after Republicans regained Senate control. Credit:
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/15/2004 03:00:00 PM   1 comments
So long, were worth a few laughs! "I decided to put on my flag pin tonight -- first time. Until now I haven't thought it necessary to display a little metallic icon of patriotism for everyone to see....I put it on to take it back. The flag's been hijacked and turned into a logo -- the trademark of a monopoly on patriotism....When I see flags sprouting on official lapels, I think of the time in China when I saw Mao's Little Red Book on every official's desk, omnipresent and unread....I put it on to remind myself that not every patriot thinks we should do to the people of Baghdad what bin Laden did to us." -- Bill Moyers on his PBS show Now, February 28, 2003
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/15/2004 02:50:00 PM   0 comments
Massachusetts first homosexual divorce. It all comes down to WHO GETS THE CATS.,2933,141588,00.html Hat tip: Rob
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/15/2004 02:06:00 PM   0 comments
It may come as a huge surprise to most of you, but the United States Constitution was written to limit the powers of government--NOT the individual. Our nation was built on freedom--freedom of expression, speech, worship. The United States Constitution rarely grants government the power to exercise control over its citizens; therefore, when they do they have granted themselves that power illegally. Any time you see some person using the court system or the government to stifle speech or worship, it is unconstitutional. Keeping it simple... Are you being prohibited from singing "Silent Night"? Are you being told you can't say "Merry Christmas"? Then go here:
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/15/2004 01:52:00 PM   1 comments
JOHN--Always has been, always will be. Would someone tell him to shut up and sit down. (or better yet...go away!)
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/15/2004 01:01:00 PM   1 comments
EVIL TREES! OOPS! WE LET A CHRISTMAS CAROL SLIP,0,1378420.story?coll=chi-newslocalnorth-hed
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/15/2004 11:26:00 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
A perspective...
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 08:24:00 PM   0 comments
STUPID SCHOOLS- School district backs down, will allow Christmas cards Officials originally denied students' request, reversed policy only after threat of lawsuit
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 08:23:00 PM   0 comments
Ok, lets face it. Christmas is under attack. There are real live Grinches out there and they do intend to wipe away Christmas as we know it for us and our children. Between now and Xmas (which is what it will soon be) the Snipet will try to bring you GRINCH ALERTS
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 08:12:00 PM   1 comments
Years ago I contended in a debate at my university that AIDS was not a disease of just the homosexual and that it would one day become epidemic among heterosexuals. Many of the publications of the time even went so far as to say that AIDS could not be contacted through heterosexual relationships. I made many assertions and predictions back then, and to date, I have been right. Americans place too much faith in their scientists and their research. The following must be read to be believed. Maybe next time you'll come first to the News Snipett for your information...
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 06:06:00 PM   2 comments
My friend, Johnnypain, pointed out that this basically said that "If you have a nose, you may be an American fascist". He's right, but I DID have to go all the way to Z without basically repeating myself... THE ABC's of CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FASCISM FACISM 1 : a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts a nation, organization or establishment above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control You may be an American fascist if you believe that: A. Increasing government's role in economic, social or religious issues is a good thing B. the United States Constitution is an "organic" document that should be changed to reflect the current "culture" C. government should restrict religion and the free practice of it in society. D. personal character assassination is preferred over political discourse. E. if someone does not agree with you that there should be some law to force them to. F. individual ideology based agendas should be forced upon the populace whether they want them or not. Agendas based on political motivation, social development and acceptance, or ethno-centered movement. G. government taxation is a good thing, and must be amplified and safeguarded. H. emotion is morally superior to principle. I. morality is relative. J. choice should only be applicable some of the time, not all and reserved for certain groups. K. feelings trump rationale. L. state enforced education is the key to an enlightened child. M. some individuals in society are entitled to more than others. N. globalization is the key to unity and peace. O. an innocent life should exist only by the will of the people, and guilty life deserves preservation. P. others always know what's best Q. extreme nationalism or idealism R. the rights of the many outweigh the rights of the individual S. that morality should be forced upon those who don't want it--from any direction T. security is more important than freedom U. conscription is constitutionally sound V. rich people should give their wealth to the poor or for government programs for the poor W. seatbelt laws are good precedence X. our politicians have OUR interests in mind Y. our public education system is about education and not indoctrination Z. that either party in Washington is interested in preserving the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ps. Please feel free to distribute this, but please link me: or
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 05:09:00 PM   1 comments
I have heard three stories this week about the homeless on the maintream media newscasts. The latest story was on ABC News (at the top of the hour following news about a robust and growing economy--one with low unemployment where the Fed Reserve has to raise interest rates by a 1/4 point) was about...well...people being homeless. Did all of these people have homes during the Clinton Administration? I don't remember hearing much about the homeless during those years unless it was during some pitch for a new welfare program...
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 03:07:00 PM   1 comments
I am beginning to resent all the Christmas parties and get togethers that require that I bring "a gift". I have no interest in buying a gift for "someone", and, as an adult, I have even less interest in opening a gift from "someone" who didn't buy it for me. If you want to buy a gift for me and put on the tag "For Jack" then I appreciate it with all my heart and with much gratitude. But when I get a gift from "male gift" I find it hard to muster the necessary enthusiasm. It seemed like we were getting away from this kinda thought for a while, but this Christmas, I've been buying more gifts for people I don't know, and receiving gifts from people I don't want to that... oh well...
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 01:37:00 PM   0 comments
For my friend Johnnypain.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/14/2004 09:16:00 AM   0 comments
Happy Something or Other!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. We also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2005, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great (not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country or is the only "AMERICA" in the Western Hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, or sexual preference of the wishee. By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher. Happy something or other! Hat tip: Robin
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/13/2004 11:44:00 AM   1 comments
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Liberal powerhouse MoveOn has a message for the "professional election losers" who run the Democratic Party: "We bought it, we own it, we're going to take it back."
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/09/2004 10:30:00 PM   1 comments


The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue; and if this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty. They will only exchange tyrants and tyrannies. --John Adams, June 21, 1776

posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/09/2004 10:22:00 PM   1 comments
ONE DAY -- A BLACK BOX IMBEDDED IN MY ARM PIT The government, its employees, and affiliated contractors are ever trying to find out ways to be absolutely stupid, but incredibly (and evilly) calculating at the same time. You have to read this to believe it. The evolution of this will be a black box imbedded in your rear...,2933,132056,00.html
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/09/2004 10:20:00 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
The News Snipet Blog has moved back to Blogspot!
posted by Jack Mercer @ 12/08/2004 04:16:00 PM   1 comments
About Me

Name: Jack Mercer
About Me:
See my complete profile

"Snipet" (pronounced: snipe - it) is not a word.It is a derivative of two words: "Snipe" and "Snippet".

Miriam Webster defines Snipe as: to aim a carping or snide attack, or: to shoot at exposed individuals (as of an enemy's forces) from a usually concealed point of vantage.

Miriam Webster defines Snippet as: : a small part, piece, or thing; especially : a brief quotable passage.

In short, "Snipets" are brief, snide shots at exposed situations from a concealed vantage point.

WARNING! With due reverence to the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment there is NO comment policy on the News Snipet.

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