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Friday, January 26, 2007
OUR S.C. GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE WAS SET BASED ON THE FEAR THAT A BLACK MAN WOULD BE VOTED GOVERNOR, AND RATIFIED DURING A TIME WHEN BLACKS AND WOMEN WERE NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE. WE NOW HAVE A GOVERNOR WHO IS TRYING TO CHANGE THAT, BUT THE GOOD 'OL BOY NETWORK IS WORKING HARD AGAINST HIM. -Opinion-Let's not bury restructuring - (1/26/2007): "Powerful forces in the state Senate apparently believe they have killed a significant part of Gov. Mark Sanford's plan to restructure state government so it will be more accountable and efficient. But hold off on the funeral for at least a couple of months. Sanford can work with the House of Representatives to resurrect a key part of government restructuring."
posted by Jack Mercer @ 1/26/2007 04:56:00 PM  
  • At 1/27/2007 12:33:00 PM, Blogger DM said…

    Hi Jack,

    Your governor sounds like a good, hard-working man, met with resistance no matter what it is he attempts to accomplish. Generally from what Ive read about him, it seems like he is also trying to do the right thing. Ive read about him here, and some in national news.

    Sounds like what Mitt Romney went through here in MA, the only difference being Gov. Sanford doesnt sound like a dishonest opportunist with an agenda. Is that accurate?

  • At 1/27/2007 11:18:00 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    Hi CH!

    Thrilled to hear from you. You are right. Governor Sanford is probably the the most upolitical politician I have ever known. I often call him the "Last Republican." He is unwavering in his integrity, but up against his own party as well as the Democrats in the state. Hugely popular in this state, my only hope is that his appeal directly to the people has the same effect that President Reagans had.

    BTW, what are your thoughts on Romney--think he has a chance?

    Good to hear from you, CH,


  • At 1/28/2007 04:50:00 PM, Blogger DM said…

    I think he would be lucky to win any primary and I dont think he has a chance. Overall, I approved of his performance up to a certain point- and most people in Massachusetts did as well. It was 2004, people in Massachusetts were fed up with his constant trips across the country stumping for Bush, he was politicizing everything and it was just obnoxious.

    The constant trips around the country never stopped, he was just travelling the country campaigning before he officially declared his run. He pretty much ditched the state to go say negative things about it on his trips around the country. Classless enough.

    He campaigned for governor as moderate enough on social issues- which somehow earned him the label "moderate." And like magic, he became a right-wing conservative overnight- around the time he began his unofficial campaign for president. It would not have been as much of a problem, if he didnt lie about himself twice- in 94 in his senate run against Kennedy, and when he was elected Governor.

    He really stopped caring about the well-being of the Commonwealth over 2 years ago. And then he ditched his Republican party in the state altogether in the 06 elections- not once mentioning "Kerry Healey should be governor." The closest was "Massachuetts needs a Republican governor." I thought if there ever existed betrayal, that was it right there.

    Fiscally, I thought he performed as well as he could, given that he was constantly up against a state legislature that is 90% Democrats. On fiscal issues, he stood up for what he thought was right and always fought until his vetoes were overruled. He did as well, or better than any of the Governors we had before him in my lifetime- Dukakis, Weld, Cellucci, Jane Swift.

    If he was a little more up front and spent more of his time on his job, he would be ok. His approval rating in the state would have been good, as opposed to bad now. People here in MA knew that he was as conservative as there was- but that he could reconcile differences and do well. He would have done that all throughout his tenure, but he was running for president so he had to swing back to the right.

    Any Republican who goes against him in the primaries will constantly call him out on that to explain- which he wont be able to do- and will sound ridiculous when/if he tries to explain it. I would be shocked to see him get past someone like McCain- who everyone loves for some reason, or Giuliani.

    And if he does get past them, the Democrats will hammer him even harder. Republicans seem less likely to be as fired up about his dishonesty than Democrats and they would just go to town on him. Hilary would destroy him in an election. Mitt comes off as way too much of a politician/businessman, and Americans wont relate to him. People like Reagan, Clinton and the Bushes could come off as compassionate and knew how to speak to the people through the camera.

    When Mitt speaks, I just have this feeling that its all about him, no one else, and that he is trying to sell something to me. That is not a president. If the same does apply to presidential people, they disguise it.

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"Snipet" (pronounced: snipe - it) is not a word.It is a derivative of two words: "Snipe" and "Snippet".

Miriam Webster defines Snipe as: to aim a carping or snide attack, or: to shoot at exposed individuals (as of an enemy's forces) from a usually concealed point of vantage.

Miriam Webster defines Snippet as: : a small part, piece, or thing; especially : a brief quotable passage.

In short, "Snipets" are brief, snide shots at exposed situations from a concealed vantage point.

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