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Cuss Control: So What's Wrong With Swearing
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I have been interested in the concept of swearing (cussin' for us common folk) for some time and have always viewed its use with an inquisitive mind. I was not aware that there are actual schools out there to help someone overcome swearing (not from a religious perspective--but a business one). Here is what it says about the subject: Cuss Control: So What's Wrong With Swearing: "Swearing Imposes a Personal Penalty It gives a bad impression It makes you unpleasant to be with It endangers your relationships It's a tool for whiners and complainers It reduces respect people have for you It shows you don't have control It's a sign of a bad attitude It discloses a lack of character It's immature It reflects ignorance It sets a bad example Swearing is Bad for Society It contributes to the decline of civility It represents the dumbing down of America It offends more people than you think It makes others uncomfortable It is disrespectful of others It turns discussions into arguments It can be a sign of hostility It can lead to violence Swearing corrupts the English language It's abrasive, lazy language It doesn't communicate clearly It neglects more meaningful words It lacks imagination It has lost its effectiveness "
posted by Jack Mercer @ 4/26/2006 03:05:00 PM  
  • At 4/27/2006 07:47:00 AM, Blogger Smorgasbord said…

    I agree with most of those points. In general, I avoid swearing. However, cuss words can be used effectively - just like any other words. There's a time and a place. I find they're usually not efficacious in written dialogue, but when speaking, especially in humor and to express anger, they can really do the trick. I think George Carlin does a fine job of utilizing cusses in his humor. He proves through other parts of his act that he is not ignorant or lazy with his speech, he simply uses the "punch" swears provide to make a hilarious point. As for anger, if someone came up to you on the street and tried to assault you, you'd be better off spouting profanity than attempting to dissuade him with a logical argument.

    People do overuse swears though. It's true. And all the listed points apply to those who cuss without reasoning why.

  • At 4/28/2006 08:19:00 AM, Blogger Nölff said…

    Damn.. I mean dang.

  • At 4/28/2006 09:17:00 AM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    I pretty much agree with you, Smorg--writing for impact, artistic expression etc. I started wondering about its usage when I would blog and people who didn't even know me would use expletives in written communication.

    Take Nolff's blog for instance, he uses profanity as a means of expression for his blog, and its a part of the package. Its use there is understandable.

    What I don't understand is its overuse in society and in communication between individuals.


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