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Star Wars is Better
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Top Ten Reasons Why Star Wars is Better 10. In the Star Wars Universe weapons are rarely, if ever, set on 'stun'. 9. The Enterprise needs a huge engine room with an anti-matter unit and a crew of 20 just to go into warp -- The Millannium Falcon does the same thing with R2-D2 and a wookie. 8. After resisting the Imperial torture droid and Darth Vader, Princess Leia still looked fresh -- After pithy Cardassian starvation torture, Picard looked like something the cat dragged in. 7. One word: Lightsaber 6. Darth Vader could choke the entire Borg empire with one glance 5. The Death Star doesn't care if a world is 'M' class or not. 4. Star Wars has WAY cooler action figure potential. 3. Jabba the Hutt would eat Harry Mudd for trying to cut in on his action. 2. The Federation would have to attempt to liberate any ship named 'Slave I' 1. Picard pilots the Enterprise through asteroid belts at one-quarter impulse power --- Han Solo floors it.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 5/18/2005 10:35:00 AM  
  • At 5/22/2005 10:40:00 AM, Blogger DM said…

    Jack, last night was Saturday 05/22. Having taken a much longer evening nap than expected waking up at 930 and it being a rainy Saturday, a friend and I decided to catch Star Wars. First of all, I thought the movie was outstanding. That Anakin Skywalker, so corrupted, so power-hungry, suffers from premonitions of losing his lady upon the birth of their child, and is overcome with the desperation of saving his woman, and not letting life take its course, as Yoda advises. He simply could not and would not risk losing her upon childbirth, as had happened to his mother- he becomes so obsessed with controlling life itself.
    Subsequently, the manipulation of events by the Chancellor in order to gain the apprenticeship of young Skywalker, plays on Anakin's fears of losing his lady, combined with him manipulating Anakin's thoughts to believing that knowledge and use of the dark side has many inherent positives, leading the chosen one to the dark side. Despite the advice of the sage Yoda, Anakin cannot help himself. Unfortunate it is, that Anakin cannot see that, in his youth, he has a lifetime ahead of him; but he wants power now, he cannot wait. All he need do is look at Samuel L. Jackson, who, having converted to the philosophies of the Jedi, does not need to scream when he talks anymore! It is all there in front of him, yet he has become blinded by the dark side, or as Virginia Woolf writes, "the red light of emotion." I will not go into further detail, because surely people have not seen the movie. I do recommend it highly though, and if there was any movie that begged for a sequel, it is Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

  • At 5/22/2005 12:45:00 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    Hi CH! I enjoyed the movie. Give it a strong B+. What I thought interesting was that it was what Anakin became that killed his wife! He tried to become something to save her. Neatly done I think on Lucas's part.

    Thanks for stopping by as always, CH!


  • At 5/22/2005 12:47:00 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    OH! The last sentance took me a second...I was getting ready to recomment "Star Wars" to you. Ha!


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Miriam Webster defines Snippet as: : a small part, piece, or thing; especially : a brief quotable passage.

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