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Thursday, March 17, 2005
WorldNetDaily: Citizen's arrest attempt of Schiavo, judge WorldNetDaily: Citizen's arrest attempt of Schiavo, judge
posted by Jack Mercer @ 3/17/2005 09:13:00 AM  
  • At 3/17/2005 11:54:00 AM, Blogger Henwhisperer said…

    Personally, I think he ought to mind his own business. Maybe he could be of better assistance if he went into an inner city somewhere and helped children or women at risk, maybe adopted some homeless people, something along those lines.

    I wouldn't call him a hero in this case, just a buttinsky.


  • At 3/17/2005 12:06:00 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    Hen, surely you don't mean this :) You are talking about a man who has given years of heroic service to this country--you and me. He has already given the assistance you mention--in more ways than one. I understand what you are saying though "in this case", but what makes him a hero is that he is standing up and taking action for what he thinks is right. Whether you agree or disagree with him, he is still the stuff heroes are made of.

    Hen, just a quickie--and I'm not being disrespectful or anything, but I have noticed you have commented several times about taking care of children, adopting children, helping women at risk, etc. Do you help others--inner city children, homeless people, etc? Have you adopted a child?

    Just curious...(and NO, not being disrespectful or assuming you haven't. Just wanted to know whence your perspective comes:)


  • At 3/17/2005 03:23:00 PM, Blogger Henwhisperer said…

    You asked for it!

    I haven't adopted any children officially, but in the past when my children were teenagers I allowed kids whose parents were about ready to kick them out, or had kicked them out, to move in with us. I got the horns every time, but still felt that having given them some safe space for a little while they were better for it.

    I help the widows around here, participate in community service projects, I donated money to a needy orphanage after the tsunami, drove for Meals on Wheels delivering food to the elderly who would have otherwise not had dinner (that's Vermontese for lunch). I'm following my Master's directive by remembering the widows and the children. I have given away money to people in need anonymously.

    No offense taken, Jack. I know you to be a respectful man. All one has to do is to read your writings to see that. I just think that the Hero might be of better service helping in a different way.

    In the case of Terry Schiavo, even though it has become a part of the public forum, I still believe it is a private matter, much like abortion. For the record, I am neither pro or anti-abortion. I believe it is for a woman (and a woman only) and God to decide. In nature, something so many people seem to turn to for answers, female mammals often abort their young. I have a ewe who has done that twice (she will be lamb chops by the early summer). If a female mammal feels that her young will not survive for whatever reasons, she will simply stop the pregnancy and reabsorb the fetuses.

    I am opposed to women using abortion as a means of birth control, but if people were looking up to God for answers, abortion would not be necessary because everyone would get along, women and men would not have pre-marital sex, there'd be no rape, etc. etc. etc.

    In the end, in my opinion, abortion is no one's business aside from the woman who feels the need to go through it.

    I stand by my previous comment that the Hero ought to mind his own business.

    Stepping down from my soapbox now. :-)

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