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Monday, February 21, 2005
The post below mentions the top 5 current subjects on "left-leaning" 'blogs. The Snipet will take a single argument from an issue for the next couple of weeks and comment. Abortion: Joe Reid says: "The issue: whether abortions will be safe I have yet to see a letter on an editorial page that discusses the reality of abortion rather than the legality of abortion. Abortion procedures predate Christianity. Abortions have always existed and will continue regardless of legality. Making abortions illegal will only result in a return to class privilege, wherein people of means will have a legal "D and C" procedure and less fortunate folks will be forced to find illegal, unsafe abortion providers. The fight isn't really about choice, it's about whether safe abortions are available, regardless of one's economic means. "Choose Life" proponents might contemplate the loss of lives to unsafe abortions, where both the fetus and the mother are lost. If you think those deaths are justified, you may go to church and call yourself a Christian, but that doesn't make you one, any more than going into a garage makes you a car." ____________________________ Joe, let's follow your logic: First Paragraph-
  • People are going to use drugs, so they should be legalized so it can be safe
  • Pedophiles are going to molest children, so it should be legalized so it can be safe
  • Underage drinking is going to happen, so it should be legalized so it can be safe
  • Prostitution is going to happen, so it should be legalized so it can be safe
  • Rape and incest is going to happen, so it should be legalized so it can be safe
  • Child pornography is going to be created and sold, so it should be legalized so it can be safe
  • Breaking the speed limit is going to happen, so it should be dropped so we can be safe

Also, Joe, cavemen used to drag women around by their hair and trade them like animals--that predates Christianity too...

Second Paragraph-

Joe, people are going to do stupid things--get abortions among them, but I am not responsible for someone having an unsafe abortion any more than I would be responsible for someone whose faith is placed in a breaking condom giving them HIV. (This in response to his 'garage' example) These are the realities vs. the legalities, Joe. Think your argument hold's water?

Think before you 'blog - Author: Jack Mercer

posted by Jack Mercer @ 2/21/2005 08:58:00 AM  
  • At 2/21/2005 01:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Once again, Da Snip caputers how I feel.

    Great point. And don't forget, after we make those things safe and legal, we can tax them to do even more "good."

  • At 2/22/2005 02:06:00 PM, Blogger Henwhisperer said…

    Without regard to my personal opinion about abortion, I feel the need to ask those adamant pro-lifers how many children have they adopted. Seems to me if people are against abortion, they ought to adopt children.

  • At 2/22/2005 02:19:00 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    Good question, Hen. Adoption statistics are few and far between but the information we have available indicates that there are more applications for adoptions than are being filled. The waiting list on the average adoption can be as much as 2 years. It is currently an all time high, with more people intersted in parenting than children being produced. In addition, foster care is completely serviced in this nation, with a minimum of children being wards of the state. I would venture to say that ALL who adopt are probably 'pro-lifers' :)

    My wife and I are attending adoption classes ourselves currently in the interest of adopting. Our intent is to foster care a child between the ages of 5-10 with the intent of adoption.

    If you're interested, there is a wonderful site that provides a lot of information:

    From personal experience though, I have 6 pro-life friends in my immediate circle who have adopted and plan to again.

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