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Thursday, February 03, 2005
Today's SC Legislature made South Carolina's mandatory seat belt law a primary law (in other words, cops can pull someone over for not wearing a seatbelt). I wrote this article back in 2003 concerning this whole socialist law: SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES! Two reports were released yesterday: The National Safety Council released a study proclaiming that more than 12,000 people died from 1995 through 2002 because their states lacked laws that allow police to ticket motorists SOLELY for failing to buckle up. As a result of the study, federal officials are renewing a recommendation first made in 1995 that all states pass PRIMARY seatbelt laws (laws allowing police to stop motorists for not wearing their seatbelts). Ellen Engleman, head of the National Transportation Safety Board, said, "It is tragic that 30 states have failed to act to implement this safety countermeasure that costs nothing but could save so many." The second study released was from the Center for Disease Control. According to the CDC, influenza infects up to 20 percent of the U.S. population, killing about 36,000 Americans a year and hospitalizing 114,000. The CDC insists that flu shots would protect most of those people. No recommendations are being made by the federal government or any other agency making flu shots mandatory or urging states to adopt PRIMARY flu shot laws requiring people to be ticketed for failing to get one. To justify seat belt laws, the case is made that insurance rates would be lower, the cost to society would be less due to lost productivity, and lives would be saved, etc., etc. The same case should be used in preventable flu illnesses, whose cost to society is 20 times more than those due to a few traffic accidents. Call your congressman today and push for mandatory flu shots. "We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans" - Bill Clinton
posted by Jack Mercer @ 2/03/2005 09:10:00 AM  
  • At 2/03/2005 11:04:00 AM, Blogger Generik said…

    I would call your attention to this post on my blog in reply to your thoughts.

    Please ignore the "LIVE NUDE" part of the title, that was just a one-day goof.

  • At 2/03/2005 03:41:00 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    Hi Right!

    Thanks for chiming in. I lived in New Brunswick for 3 years and and understand Canada's dominion law.

    Here in the United States the land is not supposed to be owned by the government or royalty, its supposed to be owned by we the people. Therefore, for example, property ownership is a right, not a privilege. Since our government is SUPPOSED to be beholden to we the people, they should not be able to enact laws that govern personal behaviors with personal outcomes.

    Socialist law assumes that people cannot make the decisions that are best for them so it works to establish long lists of rules to the revocation of freedom of choice on personal outcomes. As I pointed out on the 'blog, its not unrealistic to see a government who has overstepped its bounds making people eat right to curb obesity (obesity is the #1 cause for fatal illness in the United States) to making smoking or drinking alcohol illegal. (One could argue that people are stupid for frying their lungs and coating them with disease causing chemicals or pouring toxic liver destroying substances into ones body)

    I wear my seatbelt, but it should be my right not to. It is also my right to suffer the consequence if injured by being "stupid". Its a principle that has to be examined closely.

    Also, your comment on the high percentage of seatbelt usage in Ontario is a questionable argument for enacting a law. Should we prohibit hockey games to prevent injury to youth?

    Make sense?

  • At 2/04/2005 07:17:00 AM, Blogger Henwhisperer said…

    I say wearing a seatbelt is like socking God in the eye. Not every non-seatbelt accident results in death. Seatbelts don't save every life. I'd rather trust in God.

    And, yes, I'm prepared to say that in court.


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