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Sunday, January 16, 2005
When there isn’t much in the news, (war, high profile murder cases, etc.), the media falls back on old familiar favorites. One of those favorites is the homosexual/lesbian (hereinafter referred to as homosexual) agenda. It’s hard to understand what ‘rights’ this self-defined “minority” group want. *by “self-defined” i mean, that anyone can be their own minority based on preferences—for example, i could easily be a member of the mismatched socks minority, we could call ourselves happies, and lobby the government to adopt kids…* According to the ACLU the following are desired targets of legislation by the homosexual (and transgendered) community: 1. discrimination 2. family and relationships, including marriage 3. lesbian and gay teens and young adults 4. laws which criminalize sexual intimacy, expression and association. Discrimination – We are approaching a world where a business, the government or even individuals will be prohibited from making choices based on subjective criteria. There are people that hate to wear a suit and tie; however, that person is passed up time and again for employment. The refusal to hire someone based on WHATEVER criteria the employer wants to exercise should be the RIGHT and LIBERTY of the employer—whether their criteria is moral or not. It is interesting that the ACLU wants to remove one American’s liberty to replace it with moral easement. Family & Relationships, Including Marriage – As the RELATIONSHIP between a homosexual couples is usually defined in how they carry on their PHYSICAL relationship, it is hardly surprising that many shy away from the notion of affording rights based on a particular sexual appetite. The problem with adopting a social identity based on a sexual taste, is that laws affecting you have to be defined within that narrowly focused scope. If we go down this road, the could open man-animal, man-object, man-child, or a variety of other constructs that just do not make sense. Generally societal “norms” are what determine marriage and currently in the United States, by the most liberal of polls, only 39% of Americans support homosexual marriages. One of Webster’s definitions of marriage is: the institution whereby two are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. “Founding” in this case would be difficult, and “maintaining” may be an issue. Lesbian and Gay Teens and Young Adults - Unwilling to condone violence of any kind in a school environment, it has often been puzzling why the ACLU would champion homosexual children and not christian children. Anti-christian sentiment has been on the rise among teachers and school administrators with serious consequences to our children. There are many instances of violence or intolerant acts against christian youth as a result of their belief system; yet the instance that makes the media coverage is the homosexual youth that endures a beating. Not advocating EITHER act, it is; however, interesting the inequity in such cases. Additionally, forcing or indoctrinating a child to accept another’s behavioral tendencies or even belief system that is contrary to their own is not the role of educational institutions. Our halls of academia are ill equipped to define morality, much less teach it. Laws which Criminalize Sexual Intimacy, Expression and Association- What happens legally and in private between two consenting adults is not the business of society. When those actions affect others, there is definitely a problem. A fault of the homosexual community is in its defining itself based on its sexual tendencies. This often gives all of the ammo needed for any governing body to find differences and deviations objectionable. *While I do believe that the government has NO business in the bedroom, I also believe that the bedroom has NO business in society.* I have noticed over the years that homosexuals compare themselves to minorities like African Americans and women. While there should be no laws governing what color or gender someone is born, we do have a country of laws that govern our actions, and the exercise of our sexuality is action based on choice. The “rights” afforded a homosexual should be no more or no less that of any American. The problems result when one tries to fit one concept (such as marriage) into a completely unrelated concept (sexual preference). This is akin to giving a person a job because they eat spinach.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 1/16/2005 12:14:00 AM  
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Miriam Webster defines Snipe as: to aim a carping or snide attack, or: to shoot at exposed individuals (as of an enemy's forces) from a usually concealed point of vantage.

Miriam Webster defines Snippet as: : a small part, piece, or thing; especially : a brief quotable passage.

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