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Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Grand Theft Auto III allowed game players to solicit prostitutes and blow the heads off cops. Leisure Suit Larry was all about seducing women. There's a new game coming out with the objective of assassinating a pixilated John F. Kennedy. What is the world coming to?! With soccer moms petitioning congress to do something, and Joe Leiberman and Tipper Gore leading the censorship charge, is there anything that can be done about the whole "mature" video game question? The answer to the first question is that the world has ALWAYS been here, and nothing new is happening in the world of media, except maybe a higher degree of interactivity. The Snipet will give you a hint about what is NOT the answer, and will await your comments on what YOU think the solution should be. THE "BAN" WAGON BAN everything? We see what happened in Nazi Germany when books were burned--everything ended up on a "banned" list -- even the Bible. If we step on this slippery slope, striking everything from the list that's harmful to minors, then we can add to the long list junk food, rap music, and a host of other things. Last I checked, it was MY responsibility as a parent to make sure my child had a balanced diet, was playing with the right friends, and not being unduly influenced by the improper things. But let's go down the "ban" trail and see the problems: WHO gets to control the ban list? Are their values going to reflect mine or even society's? In two hundred years, our law books have never decreased in size, so the ban list will only grow more and more until, by virtue of its size, it tramples our Constitutional rights as individuals. The bans not only affect minors, but adults too. If its a question of adult content being available for minors then we need to look at banning alcohol, cigarettes, many over the counter drugs, many behind the counter drugs, bleaches and cleaners, glues, insecticides, chemicals, cosmetics...I think you get my point. Banning or censoring video games is not the answer. Can you tell me what is? Click on "post comment" below.
posted by Jack Mercer @ 1/04/2005 01:59:00 PM  
  • At 1/04/2005 03:31:00 PM, Blogger Latigo Flint said…

    Answer: The Hug Brigade. A highly trained special ops commando force that roams our nation's streets, malls and back alleys administering powerful, life affirming hugs to surly teenagers everywhere.

    (wait, what was the question?)

  • At 1/04/2005 03:34:00 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said…

    I think you got it, Latigo. Having completed GTA III and slowly working my way through Vice City (the old reflexes aren't what they once were) I know that I would spend much less time on such pursuits if we had a government funded Hug Brigade. Please send that suggestion to Tipper...

  • At 1/04/2005 05:58:00 PM, Blogger Zach Pennington said…

    Hmmm... maybe we could start teaching kids wrong and right again. Yes, the 10 Commandments are a "religious" document, but at least it was a moral code.

    If parents took an interest in their kids' lives again and considered that their education was actually important, the perceived threat of some of this trash would fall away, because you could trust your kids to make decisions.

  • At 1/04/2005 07:32:00 PM, Blogger Kristy said…

    Hey, Jack. We agree again!! =) I think it's totally up to parents to influence what games their kids play. My folks never would've let me play a game like this, just like they didn't let me wear certain clothes or hang out with certain kids. If we really don't want the government raising our kids, we need to be consistent in that message. And if adults want to play, it's a free country, right?

  • At 1/05/2005 11:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'd like to see the Teletubbies banned.

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